Saturday, December 8, 2007

Power Cards

Title: Power Cards
Source: Kathy Morris - - 409-753-9988
Behavior Objective: Student will redirect their behavior when in correlating social situations by reading the power card, 3 out of 5 times they are in the situation.
Target Area: Any Level
Content Area: Social Skills
Procedure: When a child is struggling with a social situation, a power card can be created using one of the student's favorite characters to make a point. This card is then placed on the child's desk to read each day before school or when the behavior is likely to show up.
Glue a picture of a tiger on the front of a card, on the back write....
"The tiger lives in the jungle. He must be prepared for many changes. It might rain, the zebras may be running through, or the monkeys might be screeching. Tigers are quite adaptable to change."
"Just like me. I might get some surprises at school or at home. For instance, there may be a substitute teacher or a new person sitting next to me on the bus. I will be like the tiger adn be adaptable to change."


Title: Straw
Source: Autism Therapist from CESA 7
Behavior Objective: Given a teacher prompt, student will replace finger-biting behavior with chewing on a straw 100% of the opportunties given in those situations.
Content Area: Behavior Adaptation
Procedure: Autistic students sometimes have compulsive behaviors that they do when their hands are not busy, for example when on the computer, reading a book, or waiting for the teachers attention. The idea is to replace the finger/nail biting behavior with a straw. Make the straws available to the student so they will eventually use the straws in the setting required on their own, once they get use to it. The straw is a cheap tool that can be discarded of after it is used rather then a chew toy or tool that has to be sanitized and can get messy.
In addition to the straw, a social story with the straw as a replacement behavior for finger biting would be helpful.


Title: News-2-You

Source:, School subscription

Behavior Objective: After reading an News-2-You article, students will answer the five W questions about the article with 80% accuracy.

Targeted age/grade: Elementary/Middle school CD students.
Content Area: All
Given a news-2-you article students will read the article, depending on their level they will have an article with pictures. After reading the article they will do a series of attached activities related to the article. They can graph how many words are on a page, do math problems that relate. Answer who, what, where, when, why and how questions about the story either with multiple choice or by writing out the answer depending on their level. There are many activities that relate to the series. The articles can be printed out in several different level to accomodate for all students reading abilities.


I am a second year special education teacher. I have been teaching under an emergency license from the state and I am working toward completing my special education certification. I have created this blog as a requirment for a class, but I am hoping some of the strategies may be helpful for other teachers to apply to his or her own classrooms.